Announcing Your New CEO: 6 Tips to Make Communications Seamless

Is your organization about to embark on the exciting journey of introducing a new CEO to the world? Congratulations! While it's undoubtedly a potentially disruptive period of change, it's also crucial to ensure that the announcement is communicated clearly to reach all audiences.

At Rhudy & Co., we understand the importance of leadership milestones, and since 2003 we have helped many clients successfully navigate through critical leadership transitions. Here are six actionable tips to ensure internal and external communications around your next CEO or senior leader transition are on the mark.

1. Anticipate the Timing

The timing of a CEO announcement is critical. Publicly traded companies have an entirely different protocol to follow to meet disclosure requirements. Private companies, nonprofits and government agencies face other challenges with boards, investors and partners all who might want a say in the process.

Either way, your lead communicator should work closely with your HR leader and the designated recruiter – internal or external – to align on the ideal timing for the announcement. A tight partnership ensures a smooth, well-coordinated approach, from contract finalization to the announcement date.

2. Pause to Plan

Before diving into communications, take the time to develop a strategic communications plan. Map out your approach across internal and external channels, even if your department doesn't own them all. Create a detailed timeline outlining key deliverables, messages and channels. Planning ahead creates a smoother execution and ensures that no communication opportunities or audiences are missed. Since negotiations with candidates are likely ongoing, keep the circle tight to minimize internal gossip or speculation.

3. Draft Comprehensive Communications

Craft a comprehensive content document or documents detailing all the core communication pieces including:

  • key messages

  • news release

  • employee email

  • internal FAQs

  • partner email

  • bios (short and long formats)

  • social media posts

If your organization has two or three viable candidates, develop draft content documents for each unique candidate. Pull biographical details from a resume, a CV or even a LinkedIn profile. Prepare for various scenarios and, if a publicly traded company, collaborate with Investor Relations to ensure a synchronized news release sequence.

Number each unique content element for ease of reference. Mark the document as “Draft” and “Highly Confidential.” Consider creating candidate-specific communication plans based on research from platforms such as LinkedIn and past news coverage. Only share the plans with the candidates once they’ve officially signed.

Carefully consider the precise timing and order for the flow of communications on the announcement day.

4. Prep the New CEO

Prior to the announcement, have your lead communicator schedule a brief meeting with the new CEO to welcome them, review messaging, content pieces and the timing. It is critical the new leader has a voice in the communications as they likely need to coordinate on communications with their former employer, too.

Consider hiring a professional photographer to secure a polished headshot for the executive's debut. Brief internal and external communication partners to ensure alignment and consistency and share approved and finalized content elements they will need for publication or distribution.

5. Share the News & Then Listen

Once the announcement is made internally, cascade the news through a press release and other external channels. Monitor social media and news coverage to gauge the public response. Address any questions or concerns promptly and transparently.

6. Plan for the First 100 Days

Prepare a 100-day plan to share with the new CEO, outlining key objectives and touchpoints. Keep this to one to two pages and consider a suggested calendar. Seek feedback to tailor the plan according to their personal vision and unique leadership style. Create opportunities for live and digital interactions with internal and external stakeholders to foster engagement and alignment.

At Rhudy & Co., we specialize in guiding organizations through seamless CEO and leadership transitions, ensuring that every step is clear, precise and professional. Whether your announcement is just around the corner or a few months away, we're here to make your CEO announcement a resounding success.